Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Where Eggs Come From...

Reading a book with Devan tonight:

me: "where do eggs come from?"
Devan: ".......from a basket."
me: "ok, well where do you get the eggs from?"
Devan:"....(thinking).....from Santa!"
me:"mmm, no. Who LAYS eggs Devan?"
Devan: "....(more thinking).....Mommy!!"

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Had a good Mother's Day. It was spent in Newport Beach with my side of the family and my sis-in-law Marina's family. It was a Mother's Day/Jonathan's bday celebration. Gosh, what else is going on....nothing too exciting. I'm not pregnant, but that's ok. Still just waiting. =) Got some bad news today that my Aunt Cynthia's cancer has spread. Cancer sucks. Chicken's are doin good. Danny and the girls bought me a raised garden bed so I'm excited to put that together and get some things growing. I've been helping out in Taylor's class a lot, so that's been fun. Can't believe she only has a few weeks left and then I'll have a 1st grader. I'm in total denial. Life is good. God is great.