Monday, December 28, 2009
Saturday, December 26, 2009
What a Merry Christmas...
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Preschool Xmas Party!
Santa came to Taylor's school the other day! Even though she didn't sit on HIS lap, she went up by herself and sat on her teacher's lap! Devan enjoyed the day just as much, being a big girl like her sissy!
click HERE to see the album!!
click HERE to see the album!!
Thursday, December 10, 2009

Happy to report the Nausha girls are finally better!! Even though Devan was the one with the ER visit and pneumonia, it hit Taylor the hardest and she had that nasty cough the longest. But both are feeling much better! Last night we got to hang with our good friends the Chapins! Amy made a yummy soup dinner and then we bundled up the kids and went to this little neighborhood...i think its Courtland Way...or something like that. It's off Copperhill. Anyways, the whole street totally gets decked out with xmas lights. It was really fun! Here's a few pics...from the not so great quaility! Hope everyone is having a good week!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Just when I thought my day couldn't possibly get worse..

I have so much I can write, but I have NO energy left to put into words my day whole week really. I have litterally written this out 2 times already only to delete them and start over. So LONG story VERY short...after a week of being home with 2 sick girls and a husband that has pretty much been working since last Friday, yesterday was my most "challenging" day as a mom. It was just one of those days. Just when I thought my bad day was getting better, litterally within 5 minutes Devan spikes a fever, goes pale, eyes start rolling to the back of her head, she's breathing fast, very lathargic, and then starts throwing up but is completely out of it. By this point I called 9-1-1, my brother-in-law chris and norty who live right around the block show up. Paramedics finally arrive and our good friend Ryan Chapin who works for LA County but was off duty showed up too, so he knew most of the guys and told them to take good care of us! =) Get to the hospital, Devan't fever is now 103.5, and after having a chest x-ray we find out she has pneumonia. But what a trooper she was!! Not to compare her to Taylor, but if that were Taylor at 2, she would have been screaming bloody murder from the sight of the firemen through the whole hospital stay. Devan sat on the gurny(sp??) in the ambulance by herself and got a little smirk on her face when she heard the sirens and I told her "it's like Daddy's woo woo!" So we were at the hospital for a couple hours, Danny had met me there and my parents showed up too. Taylor was well taken care of by her "unky" and aunty dawn! Anyways, we are very grateful and thankful that overall Devan is fine!
In other exciting Devan news, she all of a sudden decided to start peeing and pooing on the potty like her big sis!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Our little girl is 2....
...she can't believe it either!
Since Thanksgiving day this year is her actual birthday, we decided to celebrate on a different day. We just had a very small family party and it was perfect! The kids had a great time, and I think us adults had an equally great time sitting around the fire pit! HERE are a few pics from the party!
As much as I wish her birthday wasn't around a holiday, of all the holidays to be near(and sometimes on) Thanksgiving is perfect! We have SO much to be thankful for when it comes to her! I put up a little collage of pictures of her from the past 2 years for her little party and as I was doing that I came across pictures of her when she was in the NICU. I can't believe it was 2 years ago that our little peanut decided to come into this world 10 weeks early weighing a hefty 3 lbs 14 oz. Look at her now! =) thankful!!

As much as I wish her birthday wasn't around a holiday, of all the holidays to be near(and sometimes on) Thanksgiving is perfect! We have SO much to be thankful for when it comes to her! I put up a little collage of pictures of her from the past 2 years for her little party and as I was doing that I came across pictures of her when she was in the NICU. I can't believe it was 2 years ago that our little peanut decided to come into this world 10 weeks early weighing a hefty 3 lbs 14 oz. Look at her now! =) thankful!!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
"Opening Doors..."
So we've been praying about adopting every day, and when we pray at night with the girls, I've been praying that the Lord open doors if it's His will. So tonight when I went to pray with Taylor I asked if she had any special prayer requests. She said she was thankful for Great Grandmother, her daddy and her mommy and she wanted to pray about adopting a baby boy and opening doors. So I told her to go ahead and pray. And this is how it went...."Thank you for great grandmother, and for my daddy and mommy. I pray about adopting a baby boy and will You please open the door nicely and not squish anybody's fingers..." =) priceless.....haha
Saturday, November 7, 2009
My Dad's the Best!!
So I probably shouldn't be posting pics until my projects are completed, but I was just too excited to wait!! So Danny was out of town all week, and this was one of his surprises I wanted to do for him while he was gone! He's really been wanting a bedframe...but as we all know they cost money! So that was on the bottom of my list of things to buy for the house. But, I got the idea, which I know its already been done before, but we had an extra door from our laundry room that we weren't using and I wanted to turn it into a head board. Since my handy-dandy dad has gotten back into his wood working again, he helped turn my door into the headboard of my dreams!! Instead of buying the Hudson Collection bedframe from Pottery Barn that WAS my dream bedframe for $2,895 plus $150 for shipping, I took a free door + $35 worth of wood and $7 of spray paint to make my dream bed! Thanks dad for all your help! (and yes I know the picture above our bed is offcentered. it will be fixed! =) )
Monday, November 2, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Filmore Pumpkinliner
So we went to the Filmore Pumpkinliner today! We had a lot of fun! Unfortunately Danny had to work so he missed out on all the fun! =( The kids loved the train ride, and so did us adults! Only in California do you go to a pumpkin patch in shorts and sandals and you're still sweating! Overall we had a great time and have lots of pictures to show it! Click on the picture above to take you to the album!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Time away...
So this last week we got out of town! It was so nice! Tuesday we headed up to good old Kingsburg, where I went to a shower for Janelle and we got to see all our old friends! It was so good to see them all and fun to see how much the kids have grown and multiplied! We headed to Bass Lake on Wednesday, where we stayed in an amazingly nice cabin with the Roy's! It was so much fun to be there and show it all to the girls because I pretty much grew up going there! We had such a great time and it was SO relaxing!!! Enjoy the pics! =) (Click on picture above to view the rest of the pics)
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
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