Sunday, October 30, 2011

The Haps...

So I had a dr appointment the other day. Just me and Dev went...and waited, and waited, and waited. The girl was a champ. Dr was running behind, so we very patiently waited for a little over an hour until he finally came in, checked my cervix, did a quick ultrasound to check the baby, I asked about bedrest and we were on our way. Good news about bedrest, I'm not gonna be put on it for no reason. I will be monitered so closely that if they see reason to, then they will. Of course I am going to take it even much easier come 24ish weeks, but I was relieved to find out I wasn't going to be put on bedrest just because.

Yesterday was a fun day. It was The Race Around the Lake out here in our hometown. Danny used to race this race as a kid, so it was fun that they brought it back. It was a very special treat to have MOST of our family from both sides there. Aunty Marina was there, Aunty Kate and the boys, Grandma Linda and Unky, Aunty Dawn and Riley and Gavin. After the races the rest of my family, except brother Brian, suprise suprise, came out for dinner and ice cream and a fun trampoline session. =)

                                                                    All the cousins!!

In other not so exciting or suprising news, I am still overwhelmed by all the "stuff" we have in our house. I am SLOWLY getting rid of some things. Now that I have moved the girls in together in their new room, and know that I can start getting rid of some girls things now that we are having a boy, it is getting a little easier to know what to get rid of. Our closet is still an area that I am not satified with. I still feel like we have too much. I came across an interesting blog this morning and may give it a try. Check it out here, it's called Project 333. I may not follow it exactly, but it sounds like a fun little challenge. My latest goal that I would like to accomplish is sewing. I just feel like it is a good skill to have and feel that it would help me save money for our family. Plus, I am repulsed at how much things cost in stores. I can't bring myself to buy one decorative pillow for $30. Just not gonna do it. So I want to learn how to make a pillow cover myself. Or learn how to make cute simple skirts for the girls. Anyways, totally random, but that's on my list of things to learn. =)

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