Friday, January 20, 2012

Another update

Lots to be thankful for amidst this emotional roller coaster. I am still pregnant, almost 31 weeks. It's so funny every time I think about how excited I am that we've made it this far. I really did not have high expectations for this pregnancy. I wanted to at least make it to 30 weeks, and here we are, almost to 31 and we already got the steroid shots. So in my opinion we are 2 steps ahead! Not to mention the little chunk that Maverick already is. For as far along as I am, the average weight of the baby would be around 2.75lbs. Yesterday, he measured to be 4lbs!! What a huge blessing! The biggest baby I have ever birthed was 4lbs 4oz. So we are well on our way! :) dr appointment yesterday went well. Baby looked great and my cervix looked pretty good too. Saw my other dr today, and was a little disappointed. Still a fairly good appointment, but I think maverick will be here sooner than later. I was hooked up to be monitored for a few minutes and I had very consistent contractions. Dr considered it to be irritability and said if I was not on my meds that they would be booming contractions. SO he told me to double up on my medication. I'm not sure if Im just waiting for this guy to come any day now, or if upping my meds is gonna calm things down and I'll sail through the weekend. Only time will tell. I told Danny on our way home from my appointment that I believe that next time I "go into labor" that I think I will deliver. I think the Lord caused me to have that little scare so we could get the steroid shots for the baby. Cause I think when he really comes, we wouldn't have had the time to get the steroids in. That's just my little way of trying to make some sense out of this crazy situation. :)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Monday, January 16, 2012

Monday update

Still at hospital. Got taken off of the magnesium about an hour ago. Here for monitoring at least until tomorrow. If all goes well I may be able to go home. So we'll see...

Little guys name is going to be Maverick Ralph. (after his poppa Ralph and daddy, Daniel Ralph)

Sunday, January 15, 2012


Well, we made it to our first goal. I am officially 30 weeks today, although he still has been measuring a week or 2 ahead. Not much has changed here at the hospital. I think this morning marks the official time we needed for the steroids to take full affect. So thankful for that. Thankful for everyday that passes. My time here has been good so far. The nurses have been so wonderful. The girls are doing great. Over the last couple of weeks at home Taylor has been having terrible night terrors again. Like the worst she's ever had. We think it's been a combination of being over-tired during Christmas break and the stress of everything that has been going on. So of course I was extremely worried about her having them while Ive been in the hospital and she hasn't. So that's a huge praise. We told our families the baby's name. I gave my parents the first initial and somehow my dad guessed it. So we shared it with the rest of the fam. Maybe by the time I finish this post I will reveal his name. :) I've tolerated this magnesium sulfate pretty well but I am a little slow at getting things done and a little loopy. :) I had a great time with my MIL and SIL yesterday. They came to keep me company. We played a fun game of hangman so they could figure out the baby's name. Got to take a shower yesterday...a shower hasn't ever felt so good! :) think that's all for now. Today should be another pretty mellow day around here and then tomorrow things may start to change as they start taking me off the mag. For now, I will leave you with this:

M _ _ _ _ _ _ k

Friday, January 13, 2012

Pregnancy update

Well it's currently night 2 at the hospital. Long story short: went to my high risk appointment Thursday, cervix shortened and had funneling. Sent to hospital for steroid shots which mature baby's lungs in case of preterm delivery. Got to hospital, got shot, was contracting. Got turb shot to stop contractions, didn't work. Got a nice big dose of magnesium sulfate and here we are. Still on mag. The plan is to keep me on mag till Monday which will give steroids full amount of time to be effective. My dr will try taking me off mag on Monday and see what happens. I will be 30 weeks Sunday, which is when Devan was born. So at least we know what we're in for in case little man decides to join us. We are all hanging in there. Please keep us in your prayers if you think of it. I'll try to keep updating as often as I can!

Friday, January 6, 2012


**28 weeks in both pics**
So I thought it was time to do a "happy and i'm so thankful to be pregnant" post...since lately I've really been struggling with my attitude. Here are my random thoughts on being pregnant:
  • I am the biggest I have ever been pregnant
  • my boobs, which seemed so big for awhile now don't seem so big compared to my belly
  • my favorite part of being pregnant, aside from the big boobs, is feeling and watching the baby move
  • I drink TONS of water everyday and still crave it
  • Devan loves to come up and kiss and rub my belly more than anyone
  • his name is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _!!
  • I can barely shave my legs and I officially cannot see my "area".
  • It is almost impossible to pee in the cup now at my dr appointments without missing
  • Devan was born just over a week from where I am now
  • I am having braxton hicks contractions this pregnancy, and I either never felt them with the girls, or I was so nieve that I didn't know what they were if I did have them
  • I am trying to enjoy these last few weeks being pregnant, knowing that I will never be pregnant again(as far as I'm concerned)
  • I can't wait to see what this little guy's coloring is gonna be. Will he have brown hair and brown eyes like me? Will we have another red head? Another blonde?
I have officially labeled myself as a big baby being pregnant. I consider myself to be pretty tough for the most part, but when it comes to being pregnant, I am a whimp. I don't know how you ladies do it who carry full term. I really am not even THAT big yet I feel like a giant. I feel like I can't walk. It's pathetic really. BUT I am thankful for where I am today. I am thankful for the fact that I am not on complete bedrest. I am thankful that I have made it this far. I am excited to see what the Lord has planned for us over the next couple of weeks. Only He knows when this baby is coming...