Friday, January 20, 2012

Another update

Lots to be thankful for amidst this emotional roller coaster. I am still pregnant, almost 31 weeks. It's so funny every time I think about how excited I am that we've made it this far. I really did not have high expectations for this pregnancy. I wanted to at least make it to 30 weeks, and here we are, almost to 31 and we already got the steroid shots. So in my opinion we are 2 steps ahead! Not to mention the little chunk that Maverick already is. For as far along as I am, the average weight of the baby would be around 2.75lbs. Yesterday, he measured to be 4lbs!! What a huge blessing! The biggest baby I have ever birthed was 4lbs 4oz. So we are well on our way! :) dr appointment yesterday went well. Baby looked great and my cervix looked pretty good too. Saw my other dr today, and was a little disappointed. Still a fairly good appointment, but I think maverick will be here sooner than later. I was hooked up to be monitored for a few minutes and I had very consistent contractions. Dr considered it to be irritability and said if I was not on my meds that they would be booming contractions. SO he told me to double up on my medication. I'm not sure if Im just waiting for this guy to come any day now, or if upping my meds is gonna calm things down and I'll sail through the weekend. Only time will tell. I told Danny on our way home from my appointment that I believe that next time I "go into labor" that I think I will deliver. I think the Lord caused me to have that little scare so we could get the steroid shots for the baby. Cause I think when he really comes, we wouldn't have had the time to get the steroids in. That's just my little way of trying to make some sense out of this crazy situation. :)


  1. Every milestone counts, big or small. I'm excited and happy that you get to experience a longer pregnancy, bigger tummy, bigger bootie, and a bigger baby. I'm sure he will be here soon enough and everything is being done to keep him cooking. He will probably be born on your anniversary, because thats what babies do.
    Loving you guys and sending lots of prayers and warm fuzzies your way.

  2. Love you guys and praying that your little guy is healthy and comes in Gods perfect timing!
    You guys are such good parents and what a blessing it has been to be your friends :)
