Monday, February 13, 2012

God is good....

...even if we hadn't made it this far, God is still good. But we've made it!! 34 weeks!! Got my final round of steroids this weekend for the baby's lungs. I have an appt tomorrow and see my peri on Thursday. Looking forward to Thursday's appt to see how big baby is measuring. He should be close to 6lbs...which blows my mind! :)
I will ask my peri when exactly I'll be going off the nifedipine. I'm pretty sure when I go off of that it will be baby time. I would be very surprised if he still stays put. I'm on a pretty hefty dose of the medicine and still have irritability and by the end of the day I start contracting pretty good. So we'll see! Should be an exciting next couple of weeks!


  1. He is so good! So cool you're still prego :)

  2. I love this! Love that you get to experience pregnancy this far along. GOd has been a constant in your life, and His love has shown through all the dark times and the happy times. We love you Nausha Family, and are very excited to meet your little man.

  3. Congrats to making it this far! Been praying and thinking of you all!
    Can't wait to see Maverick! And you look great even at 8 mos girl!
    Happy Valentine's Day!
    xo Tell Danny Happy Belated Birthday!
    The Rocha's
